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Planning Board Minutes 06/04/2015
Chichester Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
Thursday, June 4, 2015

Members Present:  Vice-Chairman Tom Jameson (late arrival), Ex-Officio Jeff Jordan, Stan Brehm, Thomas Houle, Allen Mayville, Richard Moore, Matt Cole, and Alan Williams.

Others Present: Jon Kalinoski, Ann Davis, Craig McIntosh, Richard DeBold

Mr. Brehm called the meeting to order at 6:35pm.

The minutes of May 7, 2015 were reviewed.  A motion was made by Mr. Mayville and seconded by Mr. Jordan to approve the minutes as written.  Motion passes.

Preliminary Discussion: Jon Kalinoski, Map 4 Lot 167B, J & T Wood Grinding
Mr. Kalinoski was present to speak upon the development proposal.

Mr. Kalinoski is currently renting a shop for his business in East Kingston to operate his business; and proposes to construct an industrial service bay shop of 75 x 100 feet.  The primary business is to sell and service heavy equipment wood grinders and trommel screens.  

Mr. Jameson confirmed the lot is located within the Commercial Village.  Mr. Jameson explained that there are several design characteristics required within the zone.  Mr. Moore reviewed the permitted uses section of the Commercial Village and notes that industrial uses such as proposed are not explicitly allowed.  Mr. Moore outlined the waiver process.  Mr. Jameson also noted the 5,000 sq/ft limit imposed by the zone.  Mr. Jordan expressed that he does not feel the proposed development meets the intent of the district.  Mr. Moore is softened on the idea where the subject property is not located directly on Route 4.  Other members further expressed agreeable comments to the permission of use.  

Mr. Kalinoski was instructed that if he wishes to move forward, that he should apply for the necessary waivers, use and size, prior to exploring the complete site review process.

Home Occupation Renewal – DeCota Enterprises, Map 2 Lot 46A

A motion was made by Mr. Brehm and seconded by Mr. Mayville to approve the renewal application.  Mr. Jordan mentioned that the original application required a turnaround to be constructed on the property to accommodate the offloading and loading of equipment.  To date, this has not been accomplished.  Members of the Board expressed concern with the backing of trailers and other equipment onto Horse Corner Road.  Mr. Mayville explained that his visits to the property show that the traffic flow of the property is adequate for the loading and offloading of the equipment within the site.  Motion Passes.

Mr. Pike provided an update to the Board regarding COPART.  COPART is an automobile auction storage facility that proposes to develop a lot in Chichester for the purpose of storing up to 2,000 automobiles.  The company had contracted one parcel, but initial lite plan drafting determined there was insufficient space for development.  The Town is working with COPART to locate a suitable lot for the proposal.

2016 Zoning Amendments:

Mr. Jameson asked the Board if it wanted to consider removing the Village District.  There were mixed opinions amongst the members of the Board.  Ideas were presented for modifying the existing ordinance.  

Other topics included Solar Arrays and Workforce Housing.

Mr. Jameson presented Mr. Williams with a certificate of appreciation for his 4 years of dedicated service on the Planning Board.  Mr. Williams has provided invaluable insight into many discussions.

The next meeting of the Planning Board was scheduled for Thursday, July 2nd.

Being no further business, a motion was made by Mr. Jordan and seconded by Mr. Mayville to adjourn the meeting at 7:50pm.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,

Jamie A Pike

                                                                Not approved until signed.

Tom Jameson